Contact information

Who are the people behind Clique?

The Clique protocol is written and maintained by Marc W. Abel, a student in the Computer Science and Engineering department at Wright State University.

[student’s first name] @
+1 937 424 2320

Our SMTP server supports TLS and permits direct submission via port 25. Look up its MX record if you wish to pursue this semi-secure alternative.

Do you have a privacy policy?

This website does not use cookies, JavaScript, Flash, Silverlight, or other active content, and its server does not log any visitor information. None. Nada. Nil. It does at times report how many times a valid page or file has been accessed. Note however that logging is not necessary to observe and troubleshoot any in-progress abuse of our systems.

As a corollary to all this, we have no information as to who may have downloaded the Clique software from this site. Your government or ours might be able to help you obtain this information.

We added HTTPS encryption to this website in June 2020 to avoid persecution from ignorant sources. HTTPS is a good idea for banking, but it won't help you if you've come to read about Clique. HTTPS leaks all kinds of metadata and generally does not make your browsing private. Also, if you download the Clique software, HTTPS will not protect you from getting a copy that has been tampered with, because every government on the planet can forge TLS certificates that your browser will accept as authentic.

When you email us, our email servers collect all kinds of information, some of which is likely to be personally traceable to you. This is to help us respond to your communication and to counter abuse.

Although we moderate our support forum, we do not operate it. Visitors to that forum may find a link to its operator’s privacy policy at the bottom of the page.

The Clique software leaks some metadata. Most importantly, it discloses your IP address and the connection speed you have chosen to everyone in the clique(s) you join. Take this into account when considering your privacy using our software. Note also that if you join with several friends on the same day with identical speed settings, you might be tipping someone off concerning your affiliations. The best time to join a clique is long before you plan on using it.